
Mileage:  54 miles  (87.47km)

Elevation Change:  1414 feet (431 meters)

Weather:  light cloud cover so cooler

Morale:  full of energy because of rest day

Incidents: Interstate driving; flat front tire

Daily Summary:

Today was a day to just get there.  Our ride was only 50 miles, and not at all difficult, but most of it was on the interstate and there wasn’t much to see.  We did make a series of three navigational errors, which added about 5 miles total to our ride.  Today was a day of avoiding the rumble strip on the left and the tire pieces on the right while the monster trucks blasted by.  We made it fine, though we did have a flat tire from the radial tire wires again.  (Front tire this time.)  Thankfully the weather broke today, so the temperature was actually quite pleasant all morning.  The slight cloud cover kept it 10 degrees cooler than it has been, and the rain on the horizon never got close.  We continue to have great luck with the weather.   The bad news is that Christopher has decided that he’s not riding any more.  He says he has lost his motivation.  So, we took the bike down to two places, and Raymond and I will ride the 97 miles by ourselves tomorrow.  We hope we will find his motivation again soon. 


No great scenic pictures today.  First you see one of America’s great trucks—you gotta love ‘em.  They are SO HUGE!  Then you see Chris and Ray lounging by the pool after our ride.