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Saturday 29 August

We got off the airplane and those of us with a Katmandu connection were herded off through dismal hallways to an awful cramped waiting room. Here we sat from 8am until our 1pm flight. Yikes! It is a 3.5 hour time change from Paris. No place to go, no money to spend, no comfortable place to sit/sleep--not the most pleasant morning. But I did get to meet the other members of our group and we were miserable together. It seems like a good group and I'm sure we'll share more misery before this is all over!

At 1pm we boarded our very full flight to Katmandu. More Indian-dressed flight attendants, another good Indian meal. Then it was onto the hot tarmac in Katmandu! We got a flower leigh as a greeting. It's hot and sticky, big and poor and bustling and dirty. They drive on the wrong side of the road, there is every vehicle imaginable competing for space and honking. We were driven to our hotel, the Katmandu Peace Guest House. There is a 15 minute time difference between here and Delhi (whoever heard of that!?) so we are now 3 hrs 45 min from Paris time.

Below are a few pictures. First the old Airbus that brought us here. Next, the team loading our bags up. And finally, our group. Front row Didier and Jocelyne, Annie and Jean Pierre, and me. Back row Stan, then Tanya and Laurence. More as I find out about all of them!