
Mileage:  84 miles

Elevation Change:  1171 feet

Weather: sunny and hot

Morale:  Very happy!

Incidents:  margarita reception, pool time, it must be almost over!

Daily Summary:

We had an absolutely delightful day today.  We started with a few last rollers through the desert, then descended onto the agricultural plain of southern New Mexico.  We rode through miles of pecan orchards and chile pepper farms, all irrigated by the Rio Grande, which we have been following.  Lunch was at the old Fort Shelton, which was one of a series of Forts in the area to protect the border.  Douglas MacArthur lived there for two years as a child when his father was stationed there.  Las Cruces, where we are tonight,  is the second largest city in New Mexico (who knew?).  We had dinner tonight at a very nice restaurant in the old town square of La Messina.  La Messina was the capitol of Arizona and New Mexico years ago.  Then they voted not to let the railroad come through there.  The railroad went through Las Cruces instead, and that was the beginning of the end for La Messina. 


Tomorrow is our last day.  We have a short 60 mile ride into El Paso, then box up the bikes and have a banquet. 


Below, Lil’s over the shoulder shot works surprisingly well.  (That’s Raymond following her.)  Then, Raymond leads the pack over a roller.  Finally, Raymond cycling past a pecan grove and then some scenic New Mexican rocks.