
Mileage: 77 miles

Elevation Change:  2660 feet

Weather:  cloudy and warm

Morale:  excited to be almost there!

Incidents:  flat tire at mile 5 self sealed

Daily Summary:

Another great day!  Today was short, fairly flat, great weather and scenic.  Well, scenic in an interesting way.  This part of New Mexico is very desolate but quite beautiful.  The road rolled up and down all the way to the horizon all day.  We’d come to the top of a rise and see more rollers and more rollers after that.  The road was wonderful, with not traffic at all.  We were only passed by three cars all day!  We got into the hotel fairly early so even had time for an hour in the pool.  (First time in 3 weeks!)  We did have one flat tire right off the bat, but the magic self-sealing inner tubes we are using finally did there job.  (That was one out of fifteen—probably not worth the extra expense!) 


There is not much in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.  It’s a tiny town in the middle of no where.  There is a Denny’s across the street and a Mexican restaurant down the block where we will go to dinner.  Then it’s on to our last stop tomorrow in Las Cruces, only 80 miles away!


Below you see some of the scenery today, and then our typical lunch scene.