
Mileage:  66.4 miles (107 kms)

Elevation Change: 1269 feet  (387 meters)

Weather:  humid, not too hot, tailwind

Morale:  GREAT!

Incidents: Christopher rode the whole way on his own bike.

Daily Summary:

Another perfect riding day:  not too hot, gently rolling hills, and a nice tailwind.  The big news is that Christopher went the whole distance by himself today.  Here are his stats:  69.24 miles (112 kms) at an average of 15.0 mph (24.3 kph), max speed 31.6 mph (51.2 kph), total time 4:37:03.  What a ride!  We are very proud of him.  Raymond and I did some hard intervals during the first half of the ride today, which made us very tired for the second half!  Ontario continues to be prosperous and agricultural.  Today we passed a bunch of tobacco farms.  We are in the height of blueberry season at the moment, so are thoroughly enjoying them as much as we can.  They are so hard to find (and expensive!) in Paris.  The town we are in (Brantford) is a sad little town, all boarded up and full of pawn shops.  It’s strangely incongruous for the area, which is full of nice houses and well-kept farms.  Only one more day until our last rest day at Niagara Falls.  We don’t seem to be as desperately tired this time as in previous weeks, but it will be a welcome break nonetheless. 


In our pix today, you see a sample of the countryside we are rolling through.  Then, we stopped at a gas station to get a coke, but the coke machine wasn’t a coke machine at all:  they were dispensing live bait!  We were tempted to spend the three dollars on Mr. Twister (one JIG head and 9 assorted tails) just to see what we’d get, but we stuck with looking for a coke inside.