
Mileage:  39 miles  (63.2 kms)

Elevation Change:  1364 feet (416 meters)

Weather:  sunny and pleasant, 85 degrees

Morale: great

Incidents:  Ray captained for 10 miles

Daily Summary:

A very pleasant ride.  Just under 40 miles, due east, with a nice tailwind pushing us along.  We used this as a recovery ride, not pushing too hard and not breathing too hard.  We rode right through, though, so we could watch the Germany/Argentina gave when we got in.  Christopher ran the SAG stop today and did a very good job, though we need to buy him a sun hat to keep him cool.  Raymond captained the tandem for about ten miles on the deserted roads today.  He did fine, but his Mama is not a very good stoker.  She has trouble letting go and just relaxing back there.  Pool time this afternoon after Italy/Ukraine, but early to bed tonight as we have 110 long ones tomorrow.


In the pix below you see another shot of the beautiful Snake River Gorge as we were leaving it today.  Then Christopher at his SAG stop.  Finally, one of the irrigation pumping stations.  Theses things are all over, and are always working.  The irrigation systems around here are totally impressive!